
Misis Mosaic Museum

Misis Mosaic Museum
The Misis Mosaic Museum, which has been in service since 1959, is located in Misis, a district of Yüreğir in Adana. In the museum; The floor mosaics of the temple from the late 4th century, dating from the city of Misis, are exhibited. In the light of the researches, it was learned that the mosaics in the museum belong to the Young Roman Period.
In 1956, Prof. from the German archeology delegation in the village. Dr. H. Theodore Bossert and Dr. It was unearthed as a result of excavations by Ludwig Budde. It was decided to open a museum in order to preserve the artifacts obtained from here. On these mosaics; Animal motifs that Noah took to his ark during the flood are embroidered.
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