
Antalya Karain Cave

Antalya Karain Cave
Karain Cave is an important paleolithic center in terms of Anatolian and Near East history. Karain fills an important gap in Anatolian archaeological studies with traces of settlement from the Lower Paleolithic to the late Roman period. While most of the known paleolithic caves in the world represent only one period, Karain shows an uninterrupted stratification as Lower, Middle and Upper, and the data obtained from these layers are especially important in terms of giving an idea about the connections and migration routes between Europe and the Near East. In addition to the oldest known human remains in Anatolia captured from Karain, the portable art products unearthed in the cave are the first examples of Anatolian art. In addition, it plays an important role in revealing the ancient environment of the Western Mediterranean with the plant and animal remains.
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