
Balıkesir Unknown History

Balıkesir Unknown History
Balıkesir is a city that stands out with its rich historical past and cultural heritage. Here are some lesser-known historical places in Balıkesir that are waiting to be explored:

Dascylium Ancient City (Daskyleion)

Located near the village of Ergili, which is affiliated with Balıkesir, Dascylium Ancient City is an important settlement belonging to the Lydia Kingdom. It captivates history enthusiasts with its ancient ruins and historical texture.

Adramytteion Ancient City

Situated northeast of the Edremit Gulf, near the village of Kızık affiliated with Burhaniye, Adramytteion Ancient City contains remnants from the ancient period. Visitors can explore the theater, temples, and remnants of city walls in this area.

Kyzikos Ancient City

Located in Erdek district, affiliated with Bandırma in Balıkesir, Kyzikos Ancient City is known as an important ancient port city. The ancient ruins offer visitors a historical atmosphere.

Zeus Altar (Aigai)

According to Greek mythology, Zeus Altar, located in the ancient city of Aigai (Aeolis), is a historical temple ruin. It is within the borders of the Yuntdağı district affiliated with Balıkesir.

Alexandria Troas Ancient City

Alexandria Troas Ancient City, located near the village of Erenköy affiliated with Balıkesir, served as an important port city during the Roman Empire period. Visitors can see ancient theater and temple ruins in this area.

Zeytinli Rock Festival

The Zeytinli Rock Festival, held annually in the village of Zeytinli in Balıkesir, is an event where music and art enthusiasts come together. The festival takes place within a natural amphitheater, attracting attention with its historical atmosphere.
These points are wonderful places to explore the historical and cultural richness of Balıkesir. However, it is important to check local information about routes and current conditions before visiting the places you plan to go.
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