
Bodrum Airport Car Rental

Bodrum Airport Car Rental

Personalize Your Vacation with Rental Cars!

Exploring the Bodrum district by renting a car from Bodrum Airport can be a fantastic experience. Bodrum is a famous holiday destination with its historical and natural beauties. Here are some places to visit in the Bodrum district and a suggested travel route:

Bodrum Castle:

Also known as Saint Peter's Castle, Bodrum Castle is a historic fortress located by the sea and is a symbol of Bodrum. You can also visit the Bodrum Underwater Archaeology Museum inside the castle.

Ancient Theater:

Built in the 4th century BC, the Bodrum Ancient Theater offers a magnificent view and hosts various events during the summer months.

Bardakçı Cove:

One of Bodrum's beautiful beaches, Bardakçı Cove is famous for its clean sea and sandy beach. It's an ideal spot for a swimming break.


Located about 20 km from Bodrum, Gümüşlük is known for its peaceful atmosphere and fish restaurants. It also hosts the ruins of the ancient city of Myndos.

Ortakent Yahşi Beach:

Another beautiful beach in Bodrum, Ortakent Yahşi Beach is particularly suitable for families with its long sandy shore and shallow waters.


Just 6 km away from Bodrum, Torba is a tranquil holiday village. Here, you can spend time in nature and visit charming cafes.
You can tailor your travel route according to your personal preferences, but a route that includes these points will help you discover the beauty of Bodrum. Don't forget to consider any current situations while planning your trip.
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