
Yesemek Open Air Museum

Yesemek Open Air Museum
Located in the Yesemek Neighborhood of Gaziantep's İslahiye district and famous for its sculpture making workshops that have been actively used since the Hittite period, the Yesemek Open Air Museum is an impressive sightseeing area that attracts culture and archeology curiosities from all over the world.
A pleasant tour among the statues of ancient mountain gods, lion heads from many different periods, Hittite symbols and fascinating sculptures from the Assyrian period at the Yesemek Open Air Museum, which was added to the UNESCO World Heritage Tentative List in 2012 and is one of the most visited places in the city. You can take unique photos. You can also visit the ancient city, which is located on a hill overlooking the region, and take panoramic photos of the sculptures of the open-air museum from this hill.
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