
Yedikule Dungeons

Yedikule Dungeons
Yedikule was actually built not to create a dungeon like its name, but to welcome the kings who came to Byzantium and the members of foreign palaces in a magnificent way. According to the researches of the Turkish Historical Society and the historical data obtained, the Golden Gate mentioned in the title was built by the Byzantine Emperor Theodosius as a triumphal arch. His son, who came to the throne after Theodosius, also combined a castle consisting of four high observation towers with a gate.
Young Osman Tower
The reason why this tower is named after Young Osman, one of the youngest sultans in Ottoman history, is actually the second floor of this region where the sultan was murdered.
Armory Tower
As the name suggests, it was used as an ammunition depot during the period when it was affiliated to the state. It was also one of the dungeons where state criminals were imprisoned, apart from two prisons. When you visit the building, you can see the wooden floors attached with beams.
III. Ahmet Tower
This tower has not survived until today and was destroyed by earthquakes. The reason why it was named after the revolutionary sultan, Ahmet III, was that this sultan made a great contribution to its construction and repair and ensured that the floors were attached with beams.
Treasure Tower
As you can see in the above title, the Chronology of the Yedikule Dungeons, this fortress was once the place where treasures were kept. This state-owned treasure was kept in the Treasure Tower. But after III. During the reign of Murat, the treasure was transferred to the palace. Another event in the history of the tower is that it was affected by the fire in the Yanan Kasır pavilion next to it, but was later repaired. This fire is the reason why the mansion is called burning.
Dungeon Tower
It is also known as the Tower of Inscriptions. It is one of the two towers used as a dungeon. The wooden floors inside were damaged by burning in the fires.
Ball Tower
It is another tower that burned in the fire. It was also used as a prison.
Flag Tower
It is the tower above the Golden Gate. It is the strongest of the seven towers. Janissaries used to keep watch here because it was the place where the banner fluttered. It maintains its health even today.
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