What should you pay attention to when renting a car in Izmir?

Search for the right company.
Check that the website is up-to-date and reliable.
Question the history of the company and make sure that the contact phones are up to date.
Know how much you will pay.
Check the fuel condition.
Make sure the vehicle is insured.
Rent a car according to the number of people.
Obey the traffic rules.
Ask if there is a mileage restriction.
Pay attention to the contract.
Request pre-confirmation of reservation.
Do not make a prepayment and rent a car from companies with very low prices.
Check that the website is up-to-date and reliable.
Question the history of the company and make sure that the contact phones are up to date.
Know how much you will pay.
Check the fuel condition.
Make sure the vehicle is insured.
Rent a car according to the number of people.
Obey the traffic rules.
Ask if there is a mileage restriction.
Pay attention to the contract.
Request pre-confirmation of reservation.
Do not make a prepayment and rent a car from companies with very low prices.